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American Legion Post #13 honored 21 of the 31 WWII and Korean Conflict veterans who are on the “Hometown Hero” banners that are on display throughout Putnam. Seated, left to right:  Willie Zamagni, Gerry Cotnoir, G. Stanley Shaw, Lester Parker, Fred Hedenberg, Robert Harris, Bob Clemens, Dick Turcotte, Joseph Cournoyer.  Standing: Post #13 Sr. Vice commander Alan Joslin, Pete Trama, Russ St. Jean, Paul Martell Sr., Armand Jolly, Victor Lippiello, Barbara Smith, Commander Ronald P. Coderre, Gerry Salvas, Joe Carrier, Chuck Mahoney, David Beausoleil, Leo Beausoleil, Post Historian Charlie Leach. Courtesy photo.
PUTNAM — Oct. 4 an overflow crowd of more than 100 veterans, family and friends honored 21 of the 31 veterans whose photos grace the “Hometown Hero” banners displayed throughout Putnam.  The program, organized by the Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 of Putnam was the culmination of months of work by Post members in cooperation with the Town of Putnam Recreation Department.
The program opened with the presentation of the colors by Post #13 Honor Guard members Alan Joslin and Charlie Leach.  Following the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance by those present, Donald Steinbrick, Post Chaplain Emeritus, offered a prayer.
Post Commander Ronald P. Coderre offered a brief welcome followed by greetings from the Town of Putnam by Mayor Tony Falzarano.
Coderre thanked the honored veterans for their service and willingness to be part of the “Hometown Hero” project.  He also recognized all veterans in attendance.  He noted that wherever and whenever a veteran served or is serving, they did so willingly, following orders and with respect for the flag of the United States of America.  
“These veterans did not kneel in the presence of the flag,” said Coderre in reference to the recent display by many of the current day professional athletes.
“I’m so proud of the men and women we honored today.  Their service to our country can never and must never be forgotten.  They are part of the reason we enjoy the freedom that is present in our country today,” said Coderre.
“I’m also very proud of the men and women of Post #13, who work collaboratively in providing programs and services throughout the greater Putnam area,” concluded Coderre.
All of the veterans present were recognized individually with a professionally produced replica of their banner, which hangs in downtown Putnam.  In addition the Post honored Putnam Recreation Director Wilfred “Willie” Bousquet for his assistance in seeing this project to its successful end.  American Legion Certificate of Appreciation was also presented to Chase Graphics, who designed and produced the banners and to The Crossings Restaurant for their support of the program.
Chase Graphics was represented by company owners Jim and Deb St. Jean along with designer Kathy Guertin and sales rep Jennifer Beckett.  Owners Jim Guillot and Sean Sullivan along with manager Keith Barnes were present from The Crossings.
The banners, which were raised just prior to Labor Day, will remain on display throughout October and until shortly following Veterans Day.