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Christina Andrade, left, watches the unveiling of her calendar page. Courtesy photo.
Part of calendar
DAYVILLE — Sept. 29 Christina Andrade of Dayville was unveiled as Ms. April in the Gloria Gemma Resource Foundation 2018 Calender at a ceremony at the RI Statehouse.
The calender will be included in the November issue of RI Monthly and will also be available at South County Hospital, N. Main Radiation, Bank of Newport and Collete Travel for a donation to the Foundation.
“To see the look on their faces when the photo is revealed and to know what it  means to them being surrounded by family and friends, keeps us inspired to celebrate these women” said Maria Gemma, executive director of Gloria Gemma
Andrade said: “I’m a stay at home mom of two girls and wife to Anhony. I was originally diagnosed in Oct 2014 on my wedding anniversary, then they found a second tumor just two months later. A couple of friends of mine knew Mandy Zito and knew that she ran a young survivor program at the foundation. I contacted her and can easily say that having the foundation by my side during surgeries, treatments, and repairing myself is exactly what I needed. After being diagnosed, my self confidence was stripped. Being in the calendar boosted me back up. I hope other survivors can see that shining in the calendar photos.”