The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs. The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
Nov. 24
Ryan Gunter, 26, High Street, Putnam; misuse of marker plates, failure to maintain minimum insurance, operating an unregistered motor vehicle, failure to carry driver’s license.
Amanda Moreau, no age listed, Harrison Street, Putnam; misuse of marker plates, operating without minimum insurance.
Nov. 28
Mark Bellanceau, 46, River Road, Putnam; operating motor vehicle not equipped with IID, failure to carry operator’s license, failure to have tail lamp.
Richard Calderon, 43, Maynard Street, Putnam; two counts of disorderly conduct, threatening.
Nov. 29
Kimberly Engle, 47, Prospect Street, Stafford Springs; operating under the influence, operation without headlights.
Mark Hall, 42, no certain address, Putnam; two counts disorderly conduct, third-degree criminal mischief.
Nov. 30
Denise Menard, 58, Putnam Pike, Dayville; violation of restraining order, second-degree harassment, first-degree criminal trespass.
Ashley Reyes, 30, Killingly Road, Pomfret Center; disorderly conduct, risk of injury to minor.
Dec. 1
Anthony Rocco Ricci, 25, Reardon Road, N. Grosvenordale; OUI/speeding.
Drew Wilson, 35, Aldrich Avenue, Moosup; operating unregistered motor vehicle.
Robert Rebussini, no age listed, rolling wood Drive, Johnston, R.I.; failure to have tail lamps.
Casey Swanson, 22, Kenneth Drive, Dayville; misuse of marker plates, operating an unregistered motor vehicle, operating a motor vehicle without minimum insurance.
Dec. 2
Shawn Barylski, 43, Van den Noort Street, Putnam; disorderly conduct, third-degree assault.