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Bird Man - Rotary Park. More photos on page 5. Linda Lemmon photos.

Sculpture Affair
runs to Sept. 4
PUTNAM — The town of Putnam and the Putnam Arts Council have kicked off its two-month long “Sculpture Affair” in the Business District and along the Putnam River Trail.  Artist Dale Rogers, the man who created the town’s current sculptures, Bird in Hand (Rotary Park),  4 People (River Trail) and Big Dog (entrance to dog park) installed more than 20 sculptures for people to enjoy while walking in our community.
There are Woodland Animals for the youngsters, Symbolic pieces of Love for the young at heart and sculptures that make you stop and think while you roam the fanciful streets of Putnam. Families and friends are walking to stay healthy during these unprecedented times. What better way to spend a day than to walk Putnam and see the beautiful, solid, large 3-D sculptures that combine the love of abstract geometrics with organic lines and figurative appeal.
The best way to enjoy the Sculptures is to use our excellent “Sculpture Affair” Map – Guide that you can acquire at our Putnam restaurants and businesses. Also you can go to the WINY 1350 am / 97.1 fm Facebook page along with the Discover Putnam and Town of Putnam Facebook pages and the Putnam Town Crier & Northeast Ledger Facebook page. Websites to find the guide are,  and
This wonderful “Sculpture Affair“ is powered by Putnam Bank (a division of Centreville Bank), Price Chopper Supermarkets, and Wheelabrator Putnam Inc. These major sponsors have helped Putnam Create exciting events in the past and within the CT COVID-19 guidelines this will be a terrific  opportunity to safely enjoy Putnam. 
