PUTNAM — The Bradley Playhouse board of directors recently decided to cancel the remainder of its 2020 season.
Don Gibbs, President of Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut, said: “For The Bradley Playhouse, which exists to bring people together and celebrate the human spirit through artistic expression, social distancing requirements have made it impossible for us to open our doors and offer our programming to the community. We have been shuttered and dark since March 12.
“We have not been inactive, however. Under the leadership of board members Kris and Barry Brandriff, the Bradley Playhouse Virtual Variety Hour has been broadcast each Friday evening at 7 streamed over Facebook Live, and both our artistic and programming committees are hard at work exploring ways to keep the arts available to a hungry public.”
He added: “Many have reached out to offer support and to inquire about our next steps. Thank you for the community hugs and donations that we have recently received, some from unexpected sources. We are working hard to preserve our resources so that we can resume operation in 2021 and again invite thousands to downtown Putnam and into our beautiful theatre. In the meantime we will be looking at more alternative ways to bring the Bradley to you, including outdoor concerts at the Rotary Park, and other virtual programming streamed like the Virtual Variety show on Fridays.”
He said: “We will make good on our promises to ticket and season pass holders so that they are made whole. We invite you to work with us to explore options to donate the value of your tickets, secure a refund convert this year’s Season/Flex and Laugh Passes into vouchers for the 2021 season.”
Ticket Refund, Exchange Details
If you hold tickets to any 2020 season show, concert, or comedy night, a representative from TNECT will begin processing refunds immediately. TNECT is committed to honoring the wishes of ticket holders and will work swiftly to process requests.
Holders of individual tickets for 2020 Season Shows, Comedy Nights, and Musical: TNECT at The Bradley Playhouse will begin to issue refunds to ticket holders. Whenever possible, we will reverse charges on credit card purchases. We will begin this process by first resolving tickets for School of Rock and Mamma Mia, then work through the remaining calendar of events.
If you are inclined to donate the value of your purchased ticket to TNECT and The Bradley Playhouse, please connect with us via email (
Holders of 2020 Season/Flex and Laugh Passes: TNECT at The Bradley Playhouse will issue any 2020 Season/Flex or Laugh Pass holder a comparable pass good for the 2021 season. Bradley will extend to pass holders the opportunity to select show dates and seating before ticket sales are made available to the general public. The 2021 season, to be announced later this year, will offer one additional show (a total of seven) compared to the 2020 season.