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Heating bill
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Applications for energy assistance for the 2021-2022 heating season are now being accepted by the Access Community Action Agency.  Program eligibility is determined by total household gross income and is available for all heated households using oil, kerosene, propane, wood, pellets, coal, electric, or natural gas heat.  Residents of Windham and Tolland counties can contact Access in Willimantic at 860-450-7400 or in Danielson at 860-412-1600 to make an appointment.  Appointments are currently available during the agency’s normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and can be either by phone or in person. Households must apply seasonally.  Previous Access customers can create an account and schedule an appointment online at:
The Energy Assistance program is designed to offset winter heating costs for low-income (below 60 percent of state median income) households in Windham and Tolland counties.  Deliverable-heated households may use benefits starting Nov. 15 and ending March 15. Utility-heated households (Eversource Energy, electric and gas) are eligible to participate in the matching payment programs and are protected from utility shut-off from Nov. 15 through April 15.
To apply for assistance, applicants must schedule an appointment and provide copies of the following documents for all household members 18 and over and not in school:
Names, birthdates, and Social Security card numbers for all household members; Most recent pay stubs if employed, (4 if paid weekly, 2 if paid bi-weekly), unemployment printout; Self-employment worksheet if self-employed; Proof of SS, SSI, SSDI. DSS readout for cash assistance and SNAP benefits if available; Proof of Child Support and/or Alimony; Rent Receipt/Lease, with name, address and telephone number of landlord; Mortgage statement or tax bill if property owner; Proof of Primary heating source/Utility bill(s) with account numbers for the residence in a household member’s name; All pages of recent bank account statements (checking & savings) showing name & account numbers of all household members; Letter from friend or relative if they give support money, must have an amount; If paid under the table a letter stating how much you were paid during the previous 4 weeks.
Funding for this program is provided by The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) and is housed under the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS).
