Wed. Jan. 3
Exhibit Extended
THOMPSON --- The Thompson Public Library’s Art @ the Library and the Display Case exhibit, the 4th Annual Textile Artists Community Show, has been extended through Jan. 27. Program sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Artists include: Alison Boutaugh, Dawn Reynolds, Gail Beausoleil, Hannah Stephens, Paula Coderre, Donna Lynch, Kathleen Herbert, Lynn Landry, Cindy Obert, Claudette Hoffman, Irene Rice, Gail Berthiaume , Linda Kaplan, Dot Casey, Chase Fontaine, Jocelyn Mathewson, Sarah Norcross.
Thur. Jan. 4
PUTNAM --- An exhibit by Laura Salo, “The Year Through Quilts,” runs through March 30 at the Corridor Gallery in the Municipal Complex. An Opening Reception will be held at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 4 in the Gallery. The reception is free and open to the public. The show is sponsored by the Putnam Arts Council. For hours and more information please visit
Sun. Jan. 7
Open House
POMFRET --- The Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp Open HHHouse will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Registration materials available. Early bird discounts.
Thur. Jan. 25
Bird Walk
PLAINFIELD --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present a Plainfield Fish Hatchery Bird Walk at 9 a.m. $10 for CAS members; $20 for nonmembers. Register: 860-928-4948.
Fri. Jan. 26
POMFRET --- The Pomfret School will present the Schwartz Public Lecture, “Ndaba Mandela” at 7 p.m. in the Hard Auditorium. Free. All welcome. Register:
Sat. Feb. 10
Fire and Ice
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Business Association and the Town of Putnam will present Fire and Ice around downtown.
Thur. Feb. 22
Bird Walk
PLAINFIELD --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present a Plainfield Fish Hatchery Bird Walk at 9 a.m. $10 for CAS members; $20 for nonmembers. Register: 860-928-4948.
Sat. Feb. 24
Owl Walk
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present an owl walk at 7 p.m. $10 for CAS members; $20 for nonmembers. Register: 860-928-4948.
Sat. April 20
International Day
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Business Association will present International Day.
Sat. May 18
Fairy Fest
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Business Association will present a Fairy and Magic Fest.
Sun. Aug. 11
Pluck a Duck
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Business Association will present Pluck a Duck Aug. 11 and 12.