PUTNAM — Putnam High School was named to a Top 10 school list for improvement.
ConnCAN, an advocacy organization dedicated to closing Connecticut’s achievement gap, notified the Putnam School District, Nov. 18, that Putnam High made the top 10 list.
ConnCAN ranks over 1000 Connecticut public schools and 160 school districts based on their students’ academic performance in five categories: performance gains, low-income students performance, African-American student performance, Hispanic student performance and overall school improvement.
This year, among all of Connecticut’s high schools, Putnam High School ranked seventh in improvement. Putnam High School will be featured in ConnCAN’s 2010 State of Connecticut Public Education report along with the School Report Card section of ConnCAN’s website.
Superintendent William Hull attributes the success of Putnam High School to the hard work and dedication of the entire staff. “It is great to see that all the hard work and the focus on student learning has paid off,” Hull said.
Paul Brenton, Putnam High's principal, said the faculty attributes the improvement to a more individualized approach to instruction, the use of collaboration among departments to identify important curricular strands for target instruction and a focus on writing in the Language arts and social studies classrooms.
“This is only that start of improvement at Putnam High School. During this year, the staff is looking to build on last year’s success by utilizing universal screens to identify areas of improvement, and to have greater implementation of Marzano’s Effective Teaching Strategies in all curricular areas," Brenton added.