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WILLIMANTIC ---  Recently more than 250 students participated in a Sustainable Energy Symposium at Eastern Connecticut State University. Students presented their research results using posters, PowerPoint presentations, pamphlets, videos, and, in one case, as a musical performance. Topics ranged from analysis of environmental problems to the use of wind power, energy conservation, and renewable energy to reducing consumption of fossil fuels. Taylor Renaud ’12 of Pomfret Center received a project award. Renaud is majoring in communication.
Stefanie Paschen-May ’12 of Dayville received a project award. Paschen-May is majoring in visual arts.
Eastern President Elsa M. Núñez and Nancy Tinker, director of facilities management and planning, were among those in attendance. Students, faculty, staff and members of the Willimantic community attended the symposium, which was held in Eastern’s Student Center. Students are studying sustainable energy either as part of their liberal arts course requirements or as majors completing the Energy Science track.