Season 57
for Putnam
By Steven Dakai
PUTNAM — This year’s long harsh winter is now beginning to give way to springtime,finally. A true sign of spring is when the the young boys and girls take to the small diamond and begin to practice for the Little League season.
Opening Day ceremonies will be on April 16 at Murphy Park. Mayor Bob Viens and Recreation Director Willie Bousquet will will address the players and offer some words of encouragement. Laura Fisher Andersen and her daughter Sidne will perform the National Anthem.
The ceremony will be followed by the opening day game between the two Little League teams: the Pirates, coached by Scott Goldbach, and the Red Sox coached by Scott Davagian.
The Pirates “Big 3” are: Ryan Whitehouse, who is an All Star catcher; Aiden Ciquera, MVP candidate; and big Zachary Cutler who is capable of hitting double-digit home runs this year.
The Red Sox are led by Cole Andersen and Tristan Vanscoy, Putnam’s top pitchers. Steven Shippee and Jacob Brule will provide the defense and muscle at the plate for the Sox.
The two teams will compete this spring in the SSGT Joe Phaneuf League against Pomfret/Eastford,Brooklyn and Woodstock. The league was formed four years ago and named for the local man who lost his life in Afghanistan.
Games are free to attend and very entertaining.
Please come down to Murphy Park and enjoy some baseball and great sportsmanship.