Wed. March 30
Nature Program
POMFRET CENTER --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret, 189 Pomfret St., will hold a "Nature Photography Contest" at 7 p.m. Bring up to four nature photographs. Free for CAS members and Quinebaug Valley Nature Photography Club members; $5 for nonmembers. 928-4948.
Art Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present wildlife paintings by Susan Peifer through April 11. 928-4948.
Arts Plan
DANIELSON --- The NE CT Cultural Strategic Planning Forum will meet from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at QVCC. All welcome. RSVP by March 28, call 860-508-7252.
Pomfret Seniors
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Seniors will present a spring flower sale from noon to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center on Mashamoquet Road. 928-7459.
Library Program
ASHFORD --- The Babcock Library on Rt 44 will present a program and movie on climate changes from 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Sponsored by "Conversations for a Green Connecticut" and the Babcock Library.
Thur. March 31
Pomfret Library
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Public Library will present "How are you Feeling" with nurse practitioner Annette Jacobuski-Konicki, for teens and pre-teens, from 3:45 to 5:30 at the library. Register by March 24 - 928-3475.
Fri. April 1
WOODSTOCK --- The FRESH student non-profit will host a Spaghetti Supper and Live Auction starting at 6 p.m. at the Woodstock Academy Fieldhouse. $10 for adults; $5 for kids under 12 and seniors. Benefits a mentoring program in northeastern
Sat. April 2
PUTNAM --- A concert featuring the UConn a Capella group Extreme Measures will be held starting at 8 p.m. at the B'nai Shalom on Church Street (across from the town hall). $15, adults; $12 under 18. Doors open at 7:30. Benefits B'nai Shalom. Tickets at Wonderland Books, Sweet Evalina's and Pomfret Spirits. Refreshments. 928-4496
Breakfast Buffet
N. GROSVENORDALE --- The United Methodist Church on Riverside Drive will hold a breakfast buffet from 7 to 10 a.m.. $6 for adults; $3 for kids. 923-2936.
Sun. April 3
Hurricane Talk
PUTNAM --- The Aspinock Historical Society of Putnam will present a program on the 1938 Hurricane's effect on Putnam at 2 p.m. at the Ella Grasso apartments Community Room on Ballou Street. Program by Aspinock President and Town Historian Bill Pearsall. Light refreshments. Free. All welcome.
Tues. April 5
Pomfret Seniors
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Seniors will hold a town-wide Wii Bowling Tournament at 6 p.m. 928-7459.
Wed. April 6
Pomfret Seniors
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Seniors will present "Under the Tuscan Sun" at 1:30 at the center on Mashamoquet Road. 928-7459.
Pomfret Seniors
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Seniors Association will have a brown bag luncheon meeting at noon at the Pomfret Senior Center. All Pomfret seniors welcome. 9974-0426.
Thur. April 7
Nature Program
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Woodcock Watch" at 7 p.m. starting from the center on Rt. 169. $5 CAS members; $10 nonmembers. 928-4948.
Fri. April 8
Bulky Waste Collection
POMFRET --- The town will hold a bulky waste collection from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 8 and 9 at the Murdock Property on Rt. 101. For Pomfret residents only. Waste must originate in Pomfret.
Nature Program
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "The Life of Pileated Woodpeckers" at 7 p.m. at the center on Rt. 169. $5 CAS members; $10 nonmembers. 928-4948.
Rummage Sale
WOODSTOCK --- The Women's Fellowship of the First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ of Woodstock on Rt. 169, will sponsor a spring rummage and white elephant sale from 2 to 5 p.m. April 8 and from 9 a.m. to noon April 9. Bake sale on Friday afternoon. 923-2887.
PUTNAM --- The Black Box Theatre will present "Jesus Christ Superstar" at 8 p.m. April 8, 9, 15 and 16 and at 2 p.m. April 10 and 17 at The Complex Performing Arts Centre on Front Street. $18. 963-7170.
Sat. April 9
Pasta Dinner
S. WOODSTOCK --- The Putnam Lodge 46 Freemasons will hold a public pasta dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. at the lodge near the fairgrounds. $10.
PUTNAM --- St. Mary Church will hold an all-day Reconciliation Celebration from 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. If it has been a while since you've been to confession, check this website:
Fri. April 15
Bradley Playhouse
PUTNAM --- The Bradley Playhouse on Rt. 44, downtown, will present "Chicago" at 7 p.m. April 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, and 30 and at 2 p.m. April 17, 24 and May 1. $20 for adults; $17 for students/senior citizens. 928-7887.
Nature Program
HAMPTON --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Full Moon Walk" at 7:30 p.m. at Trail Wood, off Kenyon Road. Meet in the visitors' parking lot. Free to CAS members; $3 nonmembers. 928-4948.
Sat. April 16
Polish Supper
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will hold a Polish Supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $9/ $5 for kids 12 and younger. 928-4405.
Clean Up
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Green Team will hold its annual "Celebrate Earth Day Road Side Clean Up" starting in the morning from the Pomfret Community School. Clean up your property frontage or sign up to clean up a town road. Garbage bags and orange vests will be distributed between 7:30 to 11 a.m. at the school. Road crews will pick up all bags left on the side of the road. Sign up by calling 974-1011.
Car Care
THOMPSON --- The Bible Fellowship Church is offering another “Car Care Day” for single ladies at the church on Rt. 131. It is designed to lend a hand to widows and single mothers with their car maintenance and the men of the church will provide a free oil change and a basic check of each vehicle. Every woman who wants to have her car serviced must pre-register by calling the church before April 11. 923-9512.
Steak Dinner
EASTFORD --- The Eastford Independent Fire Company No. 1 Inc. will hold an all-you-can-eat steak dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the firehouse. $15. No tickets at the door. 974-0256.
'Neil Diamond'
N. GROSVENORDALE --- The K of C Council 2087 will present Simply Diamond, a Neil Diamond tribute act, after a 6 p.m. dinner at the K of C Hall on Riverside Drive. Benefits the council. $25. Tickets at K of C Hall and Oliver's Music in Danielson.
Donation Collections
POMFRET --- Collection of donations for the 57th Annual Windham County 4-H Auction and Tag Sale start today. The auction and tag sale will be May 6 and 7. Household goods, furniture, electronics, books, plants, gift certificates are all gratefully accepted (no used clothing please). 974-3379.
Daffodil Tea
WEBSTER --- The United Church of Christ, Federated, on Church Street will hold its third annual Daffodil Tea at noon. Prices vary. Call church office from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday through Fridays. 508-943-0061.
Sun. April 17
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will present a Palm Sunday Ecumenical Concert at 3 p.m. Reception follows. Free will donation. 928-4405.
Art Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "The Nature of Things" art exhibit and sale through May 31. Opening is from 2 to 4 p.m. at April 17 at the center on Rt. 169. 928-4948.
Wed. April 20
Pomfret Seniors
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Seniors will present "The Reader" at 1:30 at the center on Mashamoquet Road. 928-7459.