The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs. The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
April 4
Chris Bisson, 18, Tatem Street, Putnam; failure to obey traffic control.
Jairo Castillo, 27, Bronx, N.Y.; interfering with officer, fugitive from justice.
April 5
Lisa Pirt, 19, Brooklyn Road, Canterbury; failure to obey traffic control.
Matthew Sasser, 21, Prospect Avenue, Danielson; failure to have head lights illuminated, insufficient insurance.
April 6
Shawn McGuirk, 25, Farrow Street, Putnam; operating motor vehicle without a license.
April 7
Eric Taylor, 19, South Main Street, Putnam; sixth-degree larceny, third-degree criminal trespassing, criminal mischief.
Ryan Tremblay, 19, School Street, Putnam; sixth-degree larceny, third-degree criminal trespass, criminal mischief.
Ernest Bardier, 36, Centennial Street, Putnam; second-degree failure to appear.
Daniel Cording , 24, Shields Road, Woodstock; illegal use of cell phone.
Linda Lavoie, 53, Chase Hill Road, Pomfret Center; illegal use of cell phone.
Mark Lacoille, 21, W. Thompson Road, Putnam; failure to display marker plate, operating under suspension.
April 8
Lynda Phengthavong, 22, Taft Street, Danielson; speeding.