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Ground Breaking
Generations Family Health Center broke ground on its new 10,000 medical facility on Rt. 44 in Putnam last week. Courtesy photo.

PUTNAM --- Sept. 16 Generations Family Health Center, Inc. broke ground on a new 10,000 square foot community health center on Rt. 44.
Attendees included Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman, State Senator Pro Tempore Donald Williams Jr., State Representative Daniel Rovero, State Representative Mae Flexer, Putnam’s Deputy Mayor Peter Place, and Department of Social Services Commissioner Roderick Bremby.
The celebration marked the beginning of construction on the facility that will provide medical, dental, behavioral health and case management services in 8 medical exam rooms, 6 dental operatories, and 3 behavioral health clinician offices when completed.  This physical expansion will allow the health center to increase access to care and patient visit volume at this site. The expansion will allow us to increase the number of unduplicated patients from 1,700 to over 4,000.
This project was a long time in the making. Chief Executive Officer Arvind Shaw said, “Generations’ Family Health Center’s Putnam site is a fulfillment of a shared dream of many, the seeds of which were sown many years ago when the community came together and shared the desire to help make Putnam a healthier community.”
This facility which is expected to be completed in the spring of 2012 will be the second “green” Community Health Center (CHC) that will utilize geo thermal technology to cool and heat the building, the first green completely geo-thermal  CHC is Generations Willimantic facility.
This facility will employ 40 people full-time.  The design and construction of this facility will employ 75 individuals during a one-year period. The funding for the operation of this facility is coming from the Health Resources and Services Administration’ Bureau of Primary Health Care (HRSA).  The capital development funds are coming from the state Dept. of Social Services, foundations, corporations and individuals.  The majority of this funding was secured with the help of Congressman Joseph Courtney, Senator Joseph Lieberman, Senator Christopher Dodd, Governor Jodi Rell and  Williams.