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Wed. Sept. 21
Art Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present an art exhibit and sale, "Seasonal Reflections," by Scott Kenney through Oct. 5 at the Lois Orswell Grassland Bird Conservation Center on Day Road.  928-4948.

Fri. Sept. 23
Library Program
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Public Library will present an Ella Grasso Book Discussion on "Miles to Go" by Richard P. Evans, at 1 p.m. 963-6826.

Sat. Sept. 24
Swedish Supper
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will hold a Swedish Supper from 5 to 7 p.m. $10 for adults; $5 for kids 12 and younger. 928-4405.

Car Cruise
E. PUTNAM --- The Tri-State Cruisers will hold their Saturday Nite Cruisin' 2011 starting at 4 p.m. in the Sears Plaza off Rt. 44 through Sept. 24.

Beef Supper
N. GROSVENORDALE --- The Emanuel Lutheran Church on Main Street will present its roast beef supper from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Served family style. $10 for adults; $5 for kids. Tickets at the door.

Celebrating Agriculture
WOODSTOCK --- The annual Celebrating Agriculture will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Woodstock Fairgrounds.

Turkey Dinner
POMFRET --- The Christ Church Pomfret, 521 Pomfret St., will hold a turkey dinner at 6 p.m. Benefits Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services. $10 adults; $6 for kids under 12. Tickets: 928-7026 or at door. 

Positively Pomfret
POMFRET --- Pomfret Recreation Dept. is hosting Positively Pomfret Day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Recreation Park. Giant inflatable rides, The Cash Cube, live music, games, food, craft vendors, more. Free parking and admission. Vendors may call 974-1423.

Dog Walk
PUTNAM ---  The Third Annual NEADS Dog Walk to support “Canines for Combat Veterans” will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at Rotary Park. The Putnam Lions also expect to have a number of pet education, animal rescue and other related groups in attendance and will be sharing the day’s activities with Putnam Family Day. A new feature this year on display from Sept. 14 to Oct. 2, is “The Big Dog Show,” a group of large dog sculptures created by artist Dale Rogers, and presented by the Putnam Arts Council.  The Dog Walk is part of the larger Putnam Family Fun Day at the park. 928-4960.

Sun. Sept. 25
Car Cruise
PUTNAM --- The annual Main Street Car Cruise will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout downtown Putnam. Rescheduled from Aug. 14.

WOODSTOCK --- The Woodstock Historical Society is presenting an exhibit, "Journey Through Woodstock: Celebrating Woodstock's  325th Anniversary" from noon to 4 p.m. Sundays, through the end of the year. All welcome. Free.

Community Day
THOMPSON --- The 6th annual Thompson Community Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. in Riverside Park, Rt. 12, N. Grosvenordale. 923-9440.

Nature Program
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present a bird walk at 9 a.m. starting at the new Center on Day Road. Bring binoculars and wear drab colored clothing. Free to members; $5 to nonmembers.  928-4948.

WOODSTOCK --- "Rediscover the  Old Connecticut Path" at 2 p.m. at the Woodstock Historical Society, 523 Rt.169. Jason Newton, a descendant of the Reverend Thomas Hooker, will present the program. All welcome.
Mon. Sept. 26
Toastmaster Meeting
DANIELSON --- Toastmasters Club #4719 will meet at 6:45 p.m. in Room E237 at QVCC. Visitors welcome. 974-1050.
Fri. Sept. 30
Golf Tourney
THOMPSON --- The Fifth Annual Richard W. Franklin Memorial Golf Tournament fund-raiser for scholarships will be held at 11 a.m. at Quinnatisset Country Club. 428-0058.

Sat. Oct. 1
POMFRET --- The 4th Annual Abolish Breast Cancer 5K Race/Walk will be held starting at 9 a.m. Registration is at 7:30 a.m. Officially endorsed by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The walk starts at 9:01 a.m. Registrations received by Sept. 19 is $15 for adults and $10 for youth 17 and under. After September 17 it will be $20 for adults. Registrations received by Sept. 19 get a T-shirt. Pledges for Dana-Farber are encouraged but not required. With $75 in pledges the registration fee will be waived. Registration forms are available at, winyradio,com or the or by calling Bev Champany at 974-1202.

N. GROSVENORDALE --- the Living Faith United Methodist Church on Riverside Drive will hold an all you can eat breakfast buffet from 7 to 11 a.m. Adults, $6; children $3.
Sun. Oct. 2
Car Show
DUDLEY --- The Dudley Lions Club is holding its 17th annual Yesteryear Car Show at the Commerce Insurance Company parking lot on Rt. 16 in Webster. Registration is $15 per vehicle from 7 a.m. to noon. Trophies at 3:30 p.m. Spectators welcome at 3:30. $3 and kids 10 and younger admitted free. Benefits local charities. Rain date Oct. 16. 508-943-9343.

History Talk
PUTNAM --- The Aspinock Historical Society of Putnam will host a talk by Ed Perron, retired chief of the Putnam Police Department, on the history of the Putnam Police Department, at 2 p.m. at the town Hall, selectmen's chambers on the second floor. Handicapped accessible. All welcome. Free. Light refreshments.

Mon. Oct. 3
Library Program
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Public Library will present a program on Social Security Disability Programs from 6 to 8 p.m., followed by a question and answer period. 963-6826.

Fri. Oct. 7
Thriller Play
PUTNAM --- The Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut at the Bradley Playhouse will present "Wait Until Dark" at the playhouse. 928-7887.

Art Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present an art exhibit and sale, "Sacred Lands," by Barbara Lussier through Nov. 10 at the Lois Orswell Grassland Bird Conservation Center on Day Road. Reception is at 6 p.m. Oct. 7. 928-4948.

THOMPSON --- The 11th New England House Church Conference will e held in Thompson Oct. 7 and 8. Free. Registration required. 928-7658.

Sat. Oct. 8
Walktober Program
WOODSTOCK --- Roseland Cottage on Rt. 169 will present "The Houses and History of Woodstock Hill" from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Free. 928-4074.

Academy Open
ASHFORD --- The Ashford Academy on Fitts Road will be open for visitors from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also the Ashford Historical Society, Inc. will hold a bake sale for a fund-raiser. The 2012 historical calendars is on sale for $7. 429-4568.
Library Program
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Public Library will present a book discussion from 2 to 4 p.m. on "My Name is Mary Sutter" by Robin Oliveira. 963-6826.

Grand Opening
POMFRET CENTER --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will hold a Grand Opening and Open House of the Lois Orswell Grassland Bird Conservation Center at 10 a.m. Free. All welcome. 928-4948.

Nature Program
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center will present a bird walk at 8 a.m. starting at the new Center on Day Road. Bring binoculars and wear drab colored clothing. Free.  928-4948.

Sun. Oct. 9
Pace for a Purpose
POMFRET --- The 27th annual Pomfret Hunter Pace is offering the equestrian community the chance to take part in the Pace for a Purpose. Benefits the Day Kimball Healthcare Deary Memorial Cancer Fund. 963-9055.

Sat. Oct. 15
Arts Fest
WOODSTOCK --- Roseland Cottage on Rt. 169 will present its annual Fine Arts and Crafts Festival from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 15 and 16. Free to Historic New England members and kids under 12; $5 nonmembers. Rain or shine.  928-4074.

Fri. Oct. 21
Bulky Waste Collection
POMFRET --- The town will hold a bulky waste collection from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 21 and 22 at the Murdock Property on Rt. 101. For Pomfret residents only. Waste must originate in Pomfret.

Sat. Oct. 22
Harvest Fair
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will hold a Harvest Fair and Luncheon from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m, rain or shine. Lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Part of the annual Pumpkin Fall Festival. 928-4405.

Pumpkin Fest
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Business Association will host its annual Pumpkin Fest in and around downtown Putnam.