The Last Green Valley, Inc. recently elected new officers and directors.
New officers include: Officers: Chairman Bill Jobbagy, Coventry; Vice Chairman Brad Cheney, Woodstock; Secretary/Treasurer Marge Hoskin, Plainfield.
Board of Directors: Directors to fill a one-year unexpired term to 2013 - Myra Ambrogi, Plainfield; and Alix McNitt, Sturbridge. Director to fill a two-year unexpired term to 2014 - Elaine Knowlton, Brooklyn. Directors to fill three-year terms to 2015 - Wayde Schmidt, Pomfret; Rick Hermonot, Sterling; Norma O’Leary, Thompson; Jean Sullivan, Brimfield; Ross Tomlin, Killingly; and Jason Vincent, Griswold.
Jobbagy thanked outgoing Board members: Darlene Stubbe, Steve Broderick, Ken Parker and Mark Paquette.
The Last Green Valley, Inc. is the member-supported, non-profit organization working locally to preserve the irreplaceable land, water, and cultural resources of the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor, the last predominantly undeveloped green space in the coastal sprawl between Washington, D.C. and Boston.

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