Go pg 1 6-27-13

'Go with
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM ---  From the superintendent to the class president, advice to the Putnam High School Class of 2013 soared.
Monica Phongsa, president of the Class of 2013, told her classmates at the June 22 commencement, "Do not be a 'what if' person," she said. She urged her class to surround themselves with people who "inspire you to be better." She called on them to open their hearts to all possibilities.
Likewise, former history teacher and now School Superintendent William Hull, called on Henry David Thoreau to inspire: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."
The valedictorian was Leslie M. Prunier and the salutatorian was Sydne Leigh Anderson. The Student of the Year award winner was Krystina Jolene Lewis. Educator of the year went to Kari Dalia.
Graduates include:
Graduates include: Alex D. Adams, Francesca Alcindor, Jesse W. Alexander, Abigail Rose Allard (H), Sydne Leigh Andersen (HH, NHS), Erica C. Anderson, Angelica Auger,  Marie Louise Auger (H), Matthew S. Bash, Mitchell Gerald Baxter, Kelsey Marie Beattie (H), Tyler K. Bergeron, Jonathon A. Blais, Jonah Enriquez Blaise, Paige Rae-Lee Bourgoin, Jacqueline Ann Breau, Christopher Paul Brown, Albert Richard Bruso, Nelson Cardona, Jocelyn C. Champagne, Bryan Clifford, Jordan Dennis Cote, David Cotten (HH), Celina R. Cousineau, Dominique Curtis Charbonneau (HH), Joshua James Curtis, Casey Jeanne Davis, Jacqueline Danielle Davis (HH), Sherry Lynn Deslauriers (HH), Thomas Schiano DiColella (H), Casey Matthew Dundon (H), Kimberly Nicole Dysinger (H), Ashley Marie Espinosa, Alec Joseph Fontaine (HH, NHS), Hector Rafael Fuentes Jr., Mark A. Fuller (H), Nolan, James Garceau (H), David Michael Gazzola (HH), Nicole P. Gleason, Elizabeth Jean Goad, Ashlee Goff, Nicole Beth Gosselin,  Jaylin Marie Greene (HH), Cedar Shamus Hayes (HH, NHS), Randy J. Hogue, Rachel Ann Hollingworth (HH, NHS), Darien Brooke Jewell, Maria Teresa  Jones, Zachary C. Kennett, Lyubov Kustov (H), Natasha M. Lajeunesse (H), Ali LaPlante, Krystina Jolene Lewis (HH, NHS), Samantha Martin, Brandie Ann Masztal, Ashlynn Michon, Samuel D. Moody (HH, NHS), Kayla Rose Morin, Devon Pannekeet, Ilea L. Peckham (HH, NHS), Rajahann Cirece Perez, David C. Perron, Jessica Chase Phillips (H), Monica Kay Phongsa (HH, NHS), Leslie M. Prunier (HH, NHS), Steven G. Randolph, Justin E. Rankovic, Brooke Mary Rivard, Luke V. Rivers, Alexander S. Romanchuk, Cote Francis Rumrill, Erika Lyn Salvas, Tyler R. Sasinowski, Kaylee Lynn Shippee, Angel Anthony Sierra, Ryan Dean Stocks (HH), David Swift, Julie Eve Marie Therrien, Samantha Thompson (H), , Sawyer Matthew Thull, Taylor Rose Trudeau (HH), Zandelee Van Niekerk (H), Christina Marie Wagher, Nikolas Woznicki (H).
Valedictorian:  Leslie Prunier --- (H) = Cumulative average of 85% and above
Salutatorian:     Sydne Andersen --- (HH) = Cumulative average of 90% and above
 (NHS) = National Honor Society

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