Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Public Hearing
The public is hereby notified and warned that a Public Hearing will be held in the Putnam Middle School Auditorium, 35 Wicker Street, Putnam, CT on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 6:30 in the evening for purposes of discussing the potential purchase of real estate located at 70 May Street from the Providence and Worcester Railroad for a purchase price not to exceed $900,000 to be used for Putnam EMS, Emergency Management and other town services.

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Notice of Special Town Meeting
August 5, 2024
The Electors and Citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings of the Town of Putnam, Connecticut, are hereby notified and warned that a Special Town Meeting of said Town will be held in the Putnam Middle School Auditorium, 35 Wicker Street, Putnam, CT on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 7:00 in the evening or immediately following the foregoing public hearing for the following purposes:
1.  To choose a moderator for said meeting.
2.  To determine the wishes of those present and eligible to vote at town meetings of the Town of Putnam with respect to negotiating and entering into a contract for the purchase of 70 May Street, Putnam, CT from the Providence and Worcester Railroad, with a purchase price not to exceed $900,000, for the intended use of Putnam EMS, Emergency Management and other Town services.
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut
this 19th day of July, 2024
Town of Putnam, Its Board of Selectmen, per petition under Chapter Eight, Section Five of the Charter of the Town of Putnam
Norman B. Seney, Mayor
Roy J. Simmons, Deputy Mayor
Rick Hayes
Gloria Marion
Michael Paquin
J. Scott Pempek
David Pomes
Christine Bright, Town Clerk
July 25, 2024
Aug. 1, 2024

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
The Town of Putnam, Connecticut will receive sealed bids for “Route 44 Sidewalk Reconstruction” project until  3:00  PM local time on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, in Town Hall in the Mayor’s Office, which is located at the  Putnam  Municipal  Complex, Putnam Town Hall, Conference Room #109, which is located at 200 School Street, Putnam, Connecticut 06260, after which no bids will be accepted and at  which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.  
Work under this contract includes removal of existing sidewalks and curbing and construction of new Portland cement concrete sidewalks with monolithic curb and sidewalk ramps along Route 44 from Bates Avenue to South Main Street (approximately 3800 feet) in Putnam, Connecticut. Documents may be obtained here:  A pre-bid meeting shall be held at the Municipal Complex on Thursday August 21, 2024, at 8:30 AM in Conference Room 109 at 200 School Street.
Aug. 1, 2024

Legal Notice
Putnam Special
Services District
 August 12, 2024
The citizens and eligible voters of the Putnam Special Services District are hereby notified and warned that a Special District Meeting of said District will be held at the at the Putnam Municipal Complex, Conference Room #201, 200 School Street, Putnam, Connecticut, on the 12th Day of August 2024, immediately following the Putnam Special Services District Authority Meeting, for the following purposes:
1. To choose a Moderator for said meeting
2. To Determine the wishes of those present and eligible to vote at the District Meeting of the Putnam Special Services District on the following resolution:   
 RESOLVED, by the Special Meeting of the Putnam Special Services District that the sum of $165,000.00 is hereby appropriated for the purchase of a NextGen RMS/CAD Software for the Putnam Police Department. The foregoing appropriation shall be Funded with $155,000.00 from the Police Department Equipment Reserve Fund, and $10,000.00 from the Dispatch Equipment Reserve Fund.
Dated at Putnam,  Connecticut
                     this 2nd Day of August 2024    Putnam Special Services
District Authority
Normand Perron, Brian Maynard, Steven Gagnon, Kathleen Hayes, Michael Vassar
Attest:  Lucille Herrick,
District Clerk
Aug. 1, 2024


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