Brush Leaf pg 7 10-14-10

Brush collection
PUTNAM — The town will be going curbside and chip brush 6 inches in diameter or smaller the week of Oct. 25. Have brush out for pick up Oct. 25. The town will pick up brush same day as your curbside pick-up day. No land clearing. Put all brush and limbs by edge of property to be chipped.

Leaf collection
PUTNAM — The town will begin leaf collection on Oct. 25. Do not bag leaves. All leaves are to be piled on the lawn or edge of the property. Do not put leaves in the road, road gutter or on public sidewalks. One Vacuum will canvas all roads west of the Quinebaug River. Another will canvas all roads east of the Quinebaug. If you have questions, call 860-963-6813.

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