Putnam Rotary Club
has $30,000+ in
scholarships available
PUTNAM — The Putnam Rotary Club is seeking applicants for its 2019 Putnam Rotary Club Scholarship.
J. Scott Pempek, chairman of the scholarship committee, said this year the club has over $30,000 to be awarded to local students. In addition, the awards have expanded beyond just need. Some awards will be based on community service and some on academics.
The deadline is April 1 and the applications are available at putnamrotaryclub.com. That will redirect them to Rotary club runner page that has the application on the top left.
An applicant must be a senior in good standing or a graduate who has not yet enrolled at a college or university and has or is attending one of the following schools: Putnam High, Putnam Science Academy, Tourtellotte Memorial High School, Woodstock Academy, Marianapolis Preparatory School, Pomfret Preparatory School, H.H. Ellis Tech, Quinebaug Valley Middle College, ACT Magnet School Willimantic and Vocational AG School Killingly High. Applicants must be resident of Eastford, Pomfret, Putnam, Thompson or Woodstock. Children and grandchildren of the Putnam Rotary Club members are not eligible.